“High Pin Count PMIC Test Solution” Mar. 15-17,2016 in Shanghai New International Expo Centre. AccoTEST provided PMIC test solutions for more analog pins, more digital pins, higher accuracy timing and more AC signal test requirements. At the same time AccoTEST showed the application for Strip Test Solution and IPM Test Solution.
Fremont, CA August 4, 2015 – ISE Labs, the Silicon Valley"s largest IC test facility, and AccoTEST, with locations in both Beijing and Shanghai, announced today the installation of an AccoTEST 8200 Power Management semiconductor test system for engineering and production use. The AccoTEST system enhances and further expands ISE Labs’ growing portfolio of analog low-cost tester and handler platforms.
In July 2015,AccoTEST organized training in the US Silicon Valley ISELabs and achieved very good results.
Mar.19-21.2014, Semicon China 2014. AccoTEST shows the CROSS concept with STS8200 TWIN mode, STS8203 with DC+AC test solution and next generator tester STS8250.
Mar.12.2014, the 1st. STS8250 move into one of biggest subcon. in China
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